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An Action RPG with some degree of resource managment. · By SupremeAssembly


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Aloha Galatsiotikes Magkies ;)
Hello Melina :p...
An Action RPG with some degree of resource managment.
New Models and more
Hello everyone, It's been a while since i was able to work on the project but i managed to create new models and update the entire game. I recently uploaded a n...
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An update on character models (and some creepy stuff) :p
Greetings everyone. I am almost finished with the latest update, yay!!! :D So from the previous post (whoever read it) as you know (or not), i was working on an...
State of the Game
Hello to everyone tried or thinking of trying Evokers. If you are wondering whether the game is dead or not, it's not. As in it's not dead :p I'm currently work...
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Minor Bug Fixes v0.0.2.20190309
Fixed a bug where time in game didn't pass. Fixed a bug where fog didn't behave properly. Fixed a bug where weather didn't update. Added missing player help mes...
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Addition of Character Attributes
Added stats. Redesigned character stats. Still needs work. The stats now are Vitality, Endurance, Resonance, Dissonance, Affinity, Discipline, Agility, Swiftnes...
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Gear/Equippement Implementaion
Created and added mechanics for gear items such as Boots, Rings and other stuff. Currently only 2 gear parts exists (boots and a ring) but more will come soon...
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Updated spell Graphics
Nothing big, added the particle effects for the spells that didn't had any, so instead of white shapes now VFXs exist :) Makes the game prettier...
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